080 47485308

Client process

Client process

Caprileo Data Services Pvt Ltd employs a comprehensive, yet streamlined approach, to understand each client's culture, needs and specific position requirements. Each search strategy is customised, addressing the specific needs of the assignment and incorporating best search practices. The process is thorough and systematic. As the process reaches conclusion, we remain closely involved to ensure the interests of all parties are unified. Our search process generally entails the following steps:

Step I: Collection of Information

  • Discuss and understand the company's culture, business, vision/mission, strategic objectives, etc. from the company management.
  • Discuss and understand the position's KRA’s compensation and other key points.
  • Discuss and understand the personal and technical qualifications required to make a candidate the "right fit."
  • Discuss and understand the company's interview process, methods and timeframes.

Step II: Consultation and Agreement

  • Discuss our advice regarding responsibilities, requirements and compensation based upon our recruitment expertise and industry knowledge.
  • Present a summary of the position's responsibilities, requirements, compensation, and interview process.
  • Obtain your agreement with our understanding.
  • Discuss time frames for the search.

Step III: Searching and Researching

  • Design a search strategy, allocate our resources, and assign responsibility to execute the strategy.
  • Identify the right sourcing grounds.
  • Ensure sufficient leverage from the website applications to add to profiles obtained through research and headhunting.
  • Interview and assess identified candidates.

Step IV: Client Interviews and Feedback

  • Maintain a candidate’s internal database through networking with candidates and client contacts.
  • Select and present the most qualified and interested candidates along with reasons for recommendation.
  • Coordinate initial and subsequent (if necessary) client interviews.
  • Obtain and share client and candidate feedback from initial and subsequent interviews.

Step V: Final Selection and Offer

  • Provide our advice regarding candidate assessments, interest levels, compensation expectations and any other relevant areas to assist the company in their decision process.
  • Identify and address any outstanding questions or issues with the company's top candidate(s) to increase the likelihood of a quick acceptance of their intended offer.
  • Ensure acceptance of offer by the candidate and his subsequent joining on the agreed date.

Step VI: Follow-up

  • Maintain sufficient backups to handle any last minute
  • Maintain regular contact over the first few months with the company and the candidate after the candidate is on board.
  • Follow-up with the client and the candidate to bridge expectation gaps (if any), resolve any dis-agreement areas through immediate corrective action.