080 47485308

UI & Web Design

UI & Web Design

A team of highly creative, ingenious and nifty state of art web designers forms the core of Caprileo Data Services Pvt Ltd graphic and web designing. High proficiency in the latest technologies with a poised bit of innovative imagination helps this team to create marvels. Our web designing team will design and develop the pages or applications that impress and illuminate the readers. We follow the basics of web design and Keep it simple. Think small, Use graphics that fit the content, Stick with standard layouts, Ease of navigation and consistency. We follow a user-centered design approach and believe that careful planning and a clear purpose are the keys to success in building websites. The web designing team at Caprileo Data Services Pvt Ltd follows a systematic procedure such are Planning, Interface Design, Site Design, Page Design, Typography, Graphics, and Multimedia. We have good experience in developing a full range of Internet and Intranet sites and mainly focus on.

  • Web Application Development.
  • Interactive Web Design.
  • E-commerce Web Design – Shopping Cart Systems.
  • Portal Sites.
  • Corporate Intranet Applications.